Recent revelations about the European Commission (EC) allegedly channeling funds to environmental organizations for lobbying efforts in support of the Green Deal have sparked heated debate in the European Parliament. According to reports, these funds were used not only to shape public opinion but also to finance protests and legal actions against farmers. Critics argue that this created an unfair dynamic where farmers were forced to defend themselves against accusations of harming the environment, rather than environmental activists being required to prove their claims.
Public Funds Used to Challenge Farmers in Court
One of the most vocal critics of the EC’s approach is Alexander Bernhuber, an Austrian MEP from the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP). He contends that taxpayer money was funneled into NGOs that actively engaged in legal battles against farmers, effectively shifting the burden of proof onto agricultural workers. Instead of environmental activists having to demonstrate the validity of their arguments, farmers found themselves in a defensive position, having to prove that their practices were not detrimental to the environment.
The Austrian Farmers’ Association has reported that in 2023 alone, the EC allocated approximately €700,000 to NGOs involved in influencing public opinion and pressuring EU legislators. Much of this funding reportedly went to the European Environmental Bureau, an umbrella organization that represents environmental NGOs across 41 countries.
However, the funds dedicated to pro-Green Deal lobbying extend far beyond this sum. The LIFE program, a key EU funding initiative supporting environmental and climate-related projects, has been allocated a staggering €5.4 billion for the 2021–2027 period.
Accusations of Undemocratic Practices
Bernhuber argues that the EC’s actions undermine fundamental democratic principles by blurring the lines between the executive and legislative branches of the EU. "It is unacceptable for ideologically driven lobbying groups, funded by public money, to influence political discourse in their own favor," he stated.
Concerns over transparency have also been raised. According to the Austrian Farmers’ Association, around 34% of NGOs receiving such funding do not fully disclose their financial sources. This lack of transparency is particularly troubling given the influence these organizations exert on EU policy.
A key figure associated with this funding strategy is former EU Climate Commissioner Frans Timmermans, who played a leading role in implementing the Green Deal, including the controversial Nature Restoration Law (NRL). The law faced strong opposition from several member states, with critics arguing that it imposed excessive restrictions on agricultural activity. Some have even suggested that the EC deliberately pushed through the legislation using indirect means. "They forced the Nature Restoration Law through the back door," commented Carl von Butler, Secretary General of the Bavarian Farmers’ Association, in an interview with Agrarheute.
European Commission Faces Backlash
In response to growing criticism, the European Commission has acknowledged that NGOs have received grants for lobbying activities. However, it has now instructed recipients to stop using EU funds for advocacy efforts. This directive specifically targets organizations benefiting from the LIFE program’s financial support.
Environmental groups, on the other hand, argue that such restrictions contradict the very purpose of these grants. They claim that the EC, under political pressure, is compromising its climate and environmental commitments to safeguard its own position.
As the controversy unfolds, the debate raises significant questions about the role of EU funding in shaping political discourse and policy-making—particularly when those funds are used to support legal battles against farmers who already face mounting economic and regulatory challenges.